This abstract submission is only open to invited speakers. Please specify in your abstract which of the conference key question(s) you will address by their number(s). The questions are listed at the bottom of this page as a reminder.

*Please remember to specify in your abstract which of the conference key question(s) you will address.*
If you are traveling with additional guests you can opt for a double room, please provide their names below if so.
If you have multiple entries please separate with a semi-colon.
Key Questions:
  1. ) What are the morphological and physical properties of the IGM/CGM from parsec to Megaparsec scales?
  2. ) How were metals distributed and spread in the IGM/CGM and what does this tell us about intergalactic gas-galaxy interactions?​
  3. ) What determines the thermal and ionisation state of intergalactic/circumgalactic gas (hydrogen, helium, metals and molecules)?